Wednesday, July 11, 2012

So You Wanna Be A Rodeo Queen??

So, as you all know, I was the Prescott Frontier Days Queen last year. This year I had the privilege of carrying the Arizona state flag at the rodeo . Being a rodeo queen is so fun but it also is hard work! Rodeo Queens always look pretty with their curly hair and blingy outfits, but there is much more to that kind of role other than curlers and diamonds ;). During my reign I got the privilege of attending parades and ride in others rodeos around Arizona. I also had to attend monthly rodeo meetings, visited veteran hospitals and schools and wrote newsletters every month.

Running for a rodeo queen title is the same as running for a beauty pageant...except instead of the talent competition, we have a horsemanship competition. We are given a pattern to complete, then asked multiple questions that can be anything about horses, the rodeo, or the tack. We also have to compete in the modeling, interview, personality, and appearance.

Pretty interesting right?? I'm thinking about running for Miss Rodeo Arizona... I don't know though. There are so many things I want to do in life! Sometimes I feel like I don't know how I'll fit everything in! Regardless, rodeo and the ranching lifestyle will always be apart of my life. It is such a fun part of my life that I'll never let go.

If any readers want to become a rodeo queen there are a few things that are a necessity. I know some of the "rules" below are silly, but in all seriousness, to be a rodeo queen you must be a good role model. Be kind to others, have others best interests at heart, set a good example, respect your authority and the livestock, be humble, have a servants heart, and try your best to always learn and improve. Those really are the key aspects of what I think every rodeo queen should be. Do that and you will be the most beautiful queen there ever was!

Rule 1: Gotta have that curly hair and those sparkly shirts! 
This year at the rodeo. 
Brennan and Me. He isn't a cowboy...but I'm workin' on it ;) This trip I was trying to teach him how to rope and ride. Post to come :). 

Rule 2:You must be able to handle some rain...even in the bling.
Raining on the Fourth.
Rule 3: Always be picture ready! 
Getting crowned two years ago.
Rule 4: Nail down that wave for your hot lap.   
My doing my first hot lap as queen. 
Rule 5: Keep that buckle nice and shiny! :)

Rule 6: Know how to get on your horse with some style. 

Rule 7: Be patriotic!  
Fourth of July Parade. 

Rule 8: Know how to ride horses of all shapes and colors! 

Rule 9: Always take good care of your horses. 

Rule 10: Strut your stuff. Be confident! 

Rule 11: Always have a smile on your face and a good never know who is watching. 

Rule 12: Be loving to all, especially to your parents. They will always be your biggest fans, supporters, and encouragers...I know mine are. 

Rule 13: Always have a smile on your face and a good never know who is watching. 

Photos taken by mom amazing mom. I would put as a rule to have a rockin' photographer as your mom...but I thought there can't be too many of those out there. I am just lucky to have one :). 


  1. Rule 14: Be a freakin gorgeous girl
    Rule 15: Have a freakin gorgeous boyfriend to match!
    Hehe love the post, I don't know much about rodeo but it seems really great. have a good day :)

    1. You are precious!!! You seriously make my day when you comment!! Thank you thank yoU! I hope you have a great day too!

  2. Ok... So I'm not at work... Have had time to see all the details here... You did such a great job! This looks so clean and cute! Maybe you could be Hop Sings part-time blog guru even though you're gonna be far away! Let's negotiate! I want a photo of you holding a big sign...Will work for clothes! Haaahaaaaha! Miss you!

  3. Thank you so much! And oh my gosh!!! I would love to be Hop Sings part time blog girl! Lets figure it out :) and oh my gosh, what a good idea with the sign! I'm on it :)

  4. Wow, I never knew trying to be a rodeo Queen/Princess was so hard! Thanks for the information. Maybe one day I'll try to become a rodeo queen... :)

  5. My dream is to become a rodeo queen. I've had this dream for nearly 8 years!! I love this, this is so cute and you are beautiful! I'm currently seeking resourses to persue my dream. I love this!

  6. hi I just want to say that you are really pretty and u r the types of girls I look up to im 13 and running for miss jr. rowell ranch rodeo queen I think I know my stuff but I was hoping that you could give me some pointers and were to get some queen close it would be a lot of help if you could thanks

    1. Hi sweetie! I would love to help you out and give you some pointers. Email me at if you want to chat :). xoxo

  7. you gave me the motivation to a rodeo queen one day thank you <3 <3

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I've always wanted to be a rodeo queen!!!! I never had the money though. But I have a wonderful horse Caroline that I love and that's all that matters... you're gorgeous though :)

  10. I love your post! I am currently running for our county rodeo queen. I was wondering if you could help me with some tips and questions, like where to get clothes, blingy jeans or not, does hat crown really matter (as in brick top versus what I would call a cowboy crown)? I think I know how to get there and have the drive and desire to represent my county but its the little details that I'm having a hard time with. :) You're gorgeous and thank you for the post!

  11. I love your post! I am currently running for our county rodeo queen. I was wondering if you could help me with some tips and questions, like where to get clothes, blingy jeans or not, does hat crown really matter (as in brick top versus what I would call a cowboy crown)? I think I know how to get there and have the drive and desire to represent my county but its the little details that I'm having a hard time with. :) You're gorgeous!

  12. So I'm entering my first competition this year and in 17 this year. But I really have no idea were to buy my clothes without breacking my bank, I would love if anyone would drop me some suggestions.

  13. <a href="

  14. <a href="


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