Friday, July 6, 2012

I'm Published!

Hi everyone! I'm super happy to say that I am published! My work this month is on the front cover of the Pop Rocket News (Click the link to view the whole article). It is such an honor to be featured! The post came from my art show in the Art Market in Prescott, so it covers some of my work from the ranch as well as some of my lifestyle/fashion work. So if you are in town, go see! Hope everyone has a good day!

Here is the cover of the newspaper! 

The flyer for the show.
Here is my little booth. My mom and I both have our work in it :) 

My parental unit :) 

And here I am, The Ranchers Daughter.

In the corner of the booth. 

1 comment:

Hi sweet reader! Please share a your thoughts, questions, or comments. I love hearing from you! Makes my day!

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