Monday, August 6, 2012

Washington through Instagram

I'm so excited for this post and the upcoming ones!! I just recently returned from a fabulous trip to Washington (the state). My best friend, Melissa, lives there on a farm. Her and her family are wheat and corn farmers.  So cool, right?! I met Melissa at Biola in California and that is where we became the best of friends. Our farmer/rancher selves connected quick :) If I had to describe Washington, I would say it is just like the Super Mario Brothers game on level 1. That level was set in all these rolling hills with green grass everywhere. That is exactly what it looks like. It's amazing! The green rolling hills with the electric blue sky. Breathtaking! For this post I just combined all the photos I took with my phone and applied instagram affects to them. Gawgeous. I miss this place! But most of all I miss my sweet friend! 

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