Hi everybody out there reading...somebody...anybody :). Wow. This year has flown by. I just wanted to reminiss on this amazing year in my life. I think it has been my favorite one so far. It has been one with the most changes, but with also the most excitement, happiness, and surprises. So here it is... in a total reader's digest version. The high points of 2014.
January 17th, 2014. I was proposed to! Atop Squaw Peak in Phoenix, Arizona, the love of my life...my now husband, proposed :). If you want to read the whole story, read it here. And see all of my engagement photos. First engagement post, second, third and forth!
January 22nd, 2014. I turn 22!
Guest Editor for Marie Claire's April 2014 Issue. Read all about it by clicking the link.
May 2014. I graduated from College! I now have my Bachelor's degree in art. Hoot and Holla!
I am thrown amazing bridal showers with my dearest friends and sisters.
August 23, 2014 I am married on the ranch where I grew up. In the sunlight shining through the trees...my dad married us. It was magical. (photos still to come)
Honeymooning in Hawaii! So amazing. The Big Island and Maui. Here are all my iPhone snaps.
I move to California with my husband! No more ranch. No more Arizona. A tad bit sad. But I love our apartment. Arranging and re-arranging it. I love nesting and creating beautiful spaces!
December 2014 I get promoted at Anthropologie! I now have a full time "big-girl" job! I am their Selling Supervisor and events coordinator. Here's an event I did for them.
My hair tutorial was featured on the popular page on pinterest!
I modeled for a wedding shoot that was published in Brides Magazine and Bridal Guide Magazine!
Looking at all of these photos and memories...thinking about all of the smiles, happy thoughts, and anticipation of marriage, moving, starting a new family, graduating, getting a new job...it makes my heart warm with thankfulness. Being thankful can transform even the most common of days into thanksgivings, so turn your routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings (William Arthur Ward). Sometimes we get bogged down with the dailiness of life and our small issues in our lives that give us clouded perceptions of ourselves and our lives. Yet, when you take a step back and look at your life from a birds-eye view, you will find that your life is extremely blessed. I have been given so much...so many blessings, and so have you! I encourage all of you to take an hour to reflect and think about your biggest triumphs, your happiest moments this past year, your accomplishments, and also the areas in which you'd like to improve.
Each day is like a new start! A new start to make the right decision. A day to start clean a day to start a new habit, which will then turn into a routine. If you do not like something in your life, you have every power to change it. I have written down some short term goals and long term goals for my next year, I encourage each of you to do the same. Writing down what you want and keeping it somewhere you can see is a huge step in the right decision. Then just take one small step each day to get to where you want to go. "You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."-John C. Maxwell. This is one of my favorite quotes because I find it to be so true! Instead of worrying about what you hate about yourself or all of the things that you need to get done, think about what step you can do right now, in this moment to take a step into the right direction of fixing it.
One of my goals for the new year is to think more positively and to become more and more consisitent. This is hard to admit to myself, let alone, writing a blog post about it haha. I'm a very emotional person and very easily swayed by the circumstances in my day. I'll be having a wonderful day and then something small can effect that, making my mood swing and my attitude shift. While I know that I was created to be a bit more emotional, that doesn't give me an excuse to continue acting negatively. I am going to journal each morning and night, writing down things that I am thankful for and things that could have made my day better. My husband (that is still so crazy to say!!) is so consistent and such an inspiration for this! He can have a total crap day, but he just forgets about it, like water rolling off a ducks back :).
I hope your 2014 was as great as mine! I welcome 2015 with open arms and am so excited to create new wonderful memories and experiences with my husband, to reach goals, and aim for new ones. Thank you for my family- my amazing mom and dad who have given me such wonderful examples to follow, to my sisters whom I adore so much, my precious friends, my new Buchan family, and my incredible husband. I am so happy to be your wife.
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The Day of my Engagement. Right after hiking down the mountain...nice shoes, eh? hehe |
Engagement Photo. |
i like him ;). |
About right after this shot, Brennan and a minor freak out cause the shoot took so long. haha |
Braids, Buns, and Twists book that I am featured in. My photography and my own tutorial. This is my sister in the top right! |
Guest Editor Article in Marie Claire Magazine. |
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My mom's beautiful home on the day of the shower. |
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One of my bridal shower invitations. |
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My mom's house and her decorating will always be an inspiration to me. |
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The Rock House. My home for 22 years. Miss is so much. The house and the people that live there. |
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My Apron Bridal Shower thrown at the Rock House. |
My dear friend Melissa and I at the rehearsal. |
My precious older sister, Alexandra. My maid of honor. |
My wedding day! |
Bridal Portrait. More wedding photos to come. |
So happy. |
Brennan and I dancing on our first dance. |
Flying out for the honeymoon! |
My handsome husband in Maui. |
Honeymoonin' |
Day I got my promotion at Anthropologie! xo |
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Two of the amazing ladies I work with at Anthropologie. This is the b-day bash I planned for work. |
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One of my chalkboards I did for the Anthropologie Party |
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The hot chocolate and donut bar. |
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Some iPhone pics of the honeymoon. |
The magazines... |