So I'm in deep doo doo. I don't know what is wrong with me... I seriously have no motivation to do anything except blog, do photos, search the web, sketch, ect. No motivation to do my real classes. It's awful. I've always been student who gets everything done first, gets good grades, pays attention in class, ect. My evil twin has taken over. Take right now for example. So this morning I got up for the sunrise, took these photos of myself, worked out, edited almost all day, worked on posts, and my tumblr and website. I know you're thinking, "what is she talking about? She did a lot of stuff?" Well yes, I did, but nothing that is required or assigned. It's a weird thing. I'm not lazy but when it comes to my actual school work I am such a rebel. I fell asleep in class today and I have a test in the morning at 8:00am, yet, here I am typing away. I have senioritis and I'm only a junior. It's depressing. I want to be done with school. I want to have a job, a career. I want to do what I love, to do the stuff I did today, but somehow make a living...yikes.
Anyways, back on point, these are photos I took this morning. And let me tell you it wasn't easy. Those boots I'm wearing are tall and hard to walk in period. But I had to walk on this hilly, grassy, and wobbly terrain. Then on top of that, my remote shutter release thingy is broken, so I had to walk back to my camera with each shot. Plus I only had 10 seconds for those shots. Maybe knowing this, you'll appreciate my efforts a bit more :).
What I'm wearing:
Free People Dress
Nordstrom Boots
Vintage Levi Shorts
Headband by me
Oh and one more thing... I'm coming out with a new schedule on my blog. Every Friday will be "Free Curve Friday" where I will be giving you all a Photoshop curve that I use to edit my photos for free! So stay tuned and be on the look out on Friday!