Monday, July 14, 2014

40 More Days!

These are the last of them...I promise :). Ending the engagement photo sharing with a bang. These may be my favs :). At this point in the shoot, Brennan was dying of starvation (says him) and getting a little loopy. He was such a good sport though! Every man deserves a big ol' cheeseburger after a four hour photo shoot. 

Thank you again to Lauren Ristow, our dear friend and amazing photographer! We are so excited for her to shoot our wedding in....drum roll please....40 days!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm getting married in 40 days!!!!!!! oh my goodness, guys, it's seriously all I think about :). Most nights I have nightmares, where my dress doesn't fit, or where the chairs don't come in and everyone has to sit on the floor, or the food trucks don't come and people have to eat crackers for their's quite traumatizing. I guess that's what you get when that is what is on your mind 24/7. Planning is so fun!...But here's some advice to all you single ladies still yet to plan a planners are expensive for a reason. And also wedding planning is a profession for a reason. There is seriously so so much work that goes into this day! I recommend you get one to keep your pleasant dreams and your sanity in tact. 

Oh. And I promise Brennan and I are not actually attached at the lips hehe. I just looked through all these photos and with almost all of them we are kissing :). I guess that's what a gal has to do when blessed with this hot of a fiance. Just doing my job guys. :) 

Happy Monday my lovelies!


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Go Bold or Go Home

I'm so thankful that I get to work with such amazing companies! One favorite being UMGEEUSA. I've talked about them before, but they are an online apparel wholesaler located in Los Angeles. They have such cute clothes in right now for summer. This dress being one of them. Love how easy and comfortable it is to wear. And I love the big and bright bold print. And an extra added bonus...this dress has pockets! My fav!

Today I simply styled it with a simple top knot bun, (I have a tutorial on this here), some gold hoop earrings, and these amazing cutout wedges from Anthropologie. I list the details below too! It can also be wore over some jeans as a tunic instead. A cute floppy hat over beachy flowing locks would be great with this look too! 

Hope you'll are having a fantastic week! Can't beat this Southern California weather! :)

style, ootd, fashion, floral, umgee, anthropologie


Friday, July 4, 2014

The Fourth

Happy Fourth of July pretties! What a fun day this is! This holiday for me is one of my favorites. When I think of the Fourth I think of barbecued steaks and burgers, corn on the cob, and sweetly crisp watermelon at the ranch. Having everyone over, lounging in adirondack chairs, with all of our hounds all sprawled out on the freshly cut grass. I think of rodeo nights, dust, boots, and braiding my dad's horses manes, getting him ready to rope and watching fireworks in the back of my dad's pickup truck while roasting marshmallows by a campfire. I've had some pretty amazing fourth of July's in the past! 

Today, though, I'm in my new California apartment, Brennan is at his best friends bachelor party for the weekend, and it's a quiet morning. But the sun is out, birds are chirping, and I'm sipping on hot coffee in my mini latte bowl and smelling my new delicious Double Latte candle I just purchased from Anthropologie. There is never a better Fourth of July than when you are home, with your family, but even though this year is different, I refuse to be a debbie downer :). You can always find something to be thankful about. You can always do something creatively. Make something that excites you, write something that makes you smile when you think back on memories. And that's what I'm doing today :). 

When I was glancing around the apartment looking for something patriotic, I didn't find much other than the berries that were in my fridge. Combine that with these amazing wave dishes from Crate And Barrel, that I just received last weekend for my bridal shower, and we have something pretty :). I also used this old vintage tablecloth given to me by my grandma. My grandma is such a dear! For my bridal shower, she gave me such precious being this old tablecloth, which belonged to my Nanny, my great great grandmother. And for the packaging for the gifts she gave, she sewed drawstring bags that were made from all of the scraps of my dresses that she made me when I was a little girl! Aww makes my heart melt. 

I'd love to hear what Fourth of July means to you! Have a good day sweet ladies and gents!

Here are a few of my favorite things of this morning :)

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