
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Lemon Cucumber Mint Water

 Happy Thursday! Okay so for the past week or so, I've been drinking this "cleanse" water. It's always good to have cleanses or fasts every now and then, to give your system a break. And let me tell you...I've really noticed a difference with this! 

It's good to drink tons of water anyway and with these few ingredients, it makes drinking A LOT of water more doable. I just saw Cameron Diaz on Dr. Oz and she claims to drink a almost a liter of water right when she wakes up. If it's good enough for Cameron, it's good enough for me ;). Drinking water helps weight loss and hydration (duh). Here are the benefits from the extra's I'm adding here!

Lemon: Lemon helps to cleanse and alkalize the body, specifically the liver. It also helps a lot with heartburn and indigestion. Adding lemon to your water also gives you glowing healthy skin! Have troubles with acne? Drink some lemon water. I'm serious. Try it. Oooh! And lemon helps curve your appetite, which obviously helps with weight loss.

Mint: Mint not only adds flavor to the water, but it also adds a soothing element to your stomach. Helps settle and repair the stomach-helps with digestion.

Cucumber: Cucumber is a natural diuretic, (as with most melons). But it also contains anti-inflammatory properties, which helps fights the bloat! Cucumber is also very hydrating. 

2 Liters Water

2 or 3 Lemons, sliced

1/2 Cucumber, sliced

10 or more Mint Leaves

Add all ingredients to pitcher. Cover. And let refrigerate all night. The more time the ingredients have together, the better it tastes! Drink the whole thing :)


  1. I am an old friend of your mother's who follows your seriously adorable blog. Just saw on your mom's FB page that you're engaged. Congratulations to you and your young man. cristal

  2. I was never much into cucumber... but this sounds yummy : )


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