Hello Hello Hello! I am so happy because I am finally home and finally able to sit, relax, make blog posts, and edit photos. Call me a dork, but that is one of my favorite things to do! I finished summer classes, then came up to the ranch, but then the next morning I had rodeo practice and the Cowpunchers Rodeo to get to. The rodeo was great! So fun, the post on the rodeo is right below this one if you are interested. After the weekend I have been trying to get my show together. I was asked to be the featured artist at The Artists Market in Prescott. So great! But...It was a lot of work trying to get everything together and set up. So ever since I got home, I have been running around like a crazy person. So today is my first official summer day.
First on my list on photos to edit were the ones I did for my class. I took a summer narrative photo class this summer for three weeks. For the class we focused on two major projects: the personal project and the community project. This post is obviously my personal project :). The mini-personal project I did is a few posts down if you want to check that out. It's called
This project was so fun. I was a little stressed about it though. The class was only 3 and a half weeks long and I am the kind of student who does everything early...so with this type of class you can't do anything really early because you are constantly working on something. For this project I wanted to focus on all of the aspects of myself that make me, me :)... at least a few of them: cooking, photography, clothes, family, rodeo/ranching, and working out or adventuring.
When I did this project it was super late at night and no one was around. I had to take all of my outfits and equipment to the studio where I was going to take the photos. Oh and I didn't have a car, because I got in an accident a few weeks before :(. It totaled Rhonda (my old car) and my back and neck. Sad day :(. Someone ran out right in front of me and crash. I only had Daisy (my bike) to transfer all of this stuff over to the studio. Once I finally got there, I was exhausted, but then I had to set up the strobes, camera, outfits, blah, blah, blah. It's hard work being the model, photographer, stylist, and coordinator. I felt a little like Cindy Sherman :). Here is what I came out with.
I hope this inspires you to BE WHO YOU ARE, because you can never be anyone else. So embrace yourself, be kind to yourself, embrace your passions and be happy!
One of the first shots...trying to figure out the strobes. |
My final project. |