
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Chia Seed Chocolate Truffles

These are the perfect little morsels for today. Happy Valentines Day all you pretty people! As you know, my diet is pretty restrictive due to my allergies, so these are gluten-free, vegan, low-carb truffles! They are pretty filling because they are pretty much all healthy fat. And those of you who still think fat is the enemy--its not! If you want to cut something out, let it be carbs/sugar. Anyways, who wants to talk about all this stuff on Valentines Day? I hope you all are having such a beautiful day! Brennan is in Guatemala, learning how to become a better chiropractor, which I am so happy for  but I do miss him desperately. He is going to graduate now in less than a year! Crazy how much time flies...he travels outside the country to get more experience. When he is at clinic he'll see about 5 patients a day, whereas when he travels to Mexico or Guatemals, he'll see 30-40 a day, so he gets so much more practice. He is going to be gone for almost two weeks and before he left, I wrote him a letter for each day that he is gone. They were filled with encouragement, verses, and love notes ;)... I gave them to him right as he was walking out the door and right when I did, he reached out of his backpack and gave me a handful of letters for me to open that he wrote each day he was gone too! It was so funny and so perfect :). Today I opened his letter, with words that made me cry and some money to treat myself to something fun. He is the most precious husband and probably the most amazing person I've ever met and I get to spend the rest of my life with him...pretty fantastic, if you ask me :). 

I made these truffles for my Anthropologie girls today! Hope they love them. Here's how you make them: 

2 tablespoons coconut oil
3 tablespoons coconut cream
2 tablespoons almond milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
2 tablespoons chopped walnuts

3 tablespoons cocoa powder
3 tablespoons chia seeds add crunch! yum! 

1. Place all the base ingredients into bowl and mix together. 
2. Place bowl into freezer for 10-15 min. 
3. Take the bowl out of freezer and form tablespoon sized mounds and form into balls. 
4. Take the truffles and then roll them in the cocoa powder and chia seed mixture. 
5. Freeze/refrigerate until they are ready to be served. I like them best frozen. So good! 



  1. This is the sweetest! Sad Brennan is gone away from you for so long but we Anthro girls have the blessing of keeping a smile on your face! See you tomorrow! Happy Valentine's Day beauty! <33333

    1. Hi pretty lady! You are the sweetest. I am so thankful that I get to work with you for almost 40 hours a week :) see you soon love xo

  2. Hello! We've nominated you for the Liebster Award, a tag that promotes new and growing blogs! Check out our post for details and questions, and keep up the great blogging :)

    1. Hi Judy! Thank you so much that means a lot :) Hope you have a fantastic day! xo


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