
Monday, April 29, 2013

Stripey Casual

 Happy Monday :) Today I'm showing you my favorite jeans at the moment. I just picked up these JBrands from Anthropologie the other week and love them. This whole working at Anthro thing is getting me in trouble! It's hard for me to save my money when I am surrounded by all that wonderfulness (and not to mention a killer discount). Now, I don't think many woman like the whole flared out 70's jean look, but I totally do! I love to mix up the style of my jeans every now and then (don't worry, I have a lot of love for the skinny jean). Today I just paired them with a simple Pure and Good tee, which is also available in multiple colors at Anthro and only $38. And my knock-off Michael Kors watch...that I got for a grand total of $25 at No Rest For Bridget. Supa Deal! 

This Saturday I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by the amazing and super adorable, Megan from My Other Closet is Couture. ! Yay! I love to think that others are being inspired by what I do, so little surprises like this makes my day! Now I nominate the next 15 stylish girls who's blogs I keep returning to. So thank you for being awesome :).  its your turn to 1. thank and link back to me 2. nominate fifteen of the sites you newly follow or consistently visit (or both) and 3. let them know about it on their newest post plus 4. tell us seven things about yourself.

1.  I got bucked off a horse when I was eleven and have a scar from it still on my left cheek (you'd have to look really close :))

2. I was the biggest tomboy of all time growing up. I swore to my mom when I was 15 that I'd only ever wear a sports bra and never wear makeup. Those flew out the window. 

3. My little beagle, Butter, was my best friend growing up. We called her the Rattlesnake hunter because every time she found one she wouldn't stop barking. She was our warning signal. One night when I was walking back from the barn, I would have stepped on one if butter wouldn't have started barking. She was my hero :). 

4. I love to eat. I'm excited when I wake up because that means I get to have breakfast. I love whipped cream more than anyone in the world.

5. I was the Rodeo Queen for the World's Oldest Rodeo in 2011 :).

6. My boy friend and I are the most obsessed couple about dogs. When we get married we'll be the freaky couple with dozens of dogs. We love them all. Yesterday we followed this older couple who had a bulldog for 6 blocks just so Brennan could watch him walk. 

7. There is no place I'd rather be than at home. I'd much rather be there than at a club or party. That life has never appealed to me!


P.s. please follow me on bloglovin because I've heard that GFC is shutting down this july! :( So other fellow bloggers, alert your readers to do the same!

Oh and one more thing! I just joined the Still Being Molly link up for YOLO Monday. Go link up too!

Oh and one more thing after that! If you haven't entered my Firmoo Sunglasses giveaway, please do :) Or just go visit the link to get 15% off any pair...everyone wins! 


  1. Replies
    1. Trop canon :)
      Ce jeans te va super bien !


      Coline ♡

  2. Tagging on to your #6 - My husband & I are obsessed with dogs - mostly our dogs. We've got two snorting, wrinkley English Bulldogs and we just love 'em. Everything they do is so much funnier than other dogs because they're so short and goofy...

  3. SO happy for you! Love the jeans! I may need to stop by anthro today :)

  4. Thanks for nominating me love. You cracked me up with the " I love waking up because that means I can eat breakfast" I am currently in court and just laughed out loud reading it.. Lol! Those jeans look amazing on you!!!

  5. Congratulation an thank you!! That is so so sweet!! Love g pictures too. ; )

  6. Lovely outfit girl! The flared denim is awesome xo

  7. Gorgeous girl and lovely blog! I love everything about this outfit, it's simple but has a bit of edge. And that hair lady....bombshell status.

    Merch Maven

  8. Those jeans look fabulous on you! I am so-so on the flare. I love them when I wear heels, but since my boyfriend is the same height at me (I'm tall), I wear flats most days. So I stick to skinnies.
    I love that tee, also! I would be so broke if I worked at Anthro. It's my hands down FAVE store ever! My boyfriend always buys my presents from there :) - cookbooks, decor, jewelry, etc.

  9. very nice! xoxo

  10. i love ur look and the photos are very beautiful :)

  11. thanks so much for nominating me!

  12. So gorgeous, Emily. You rock those jeans so well! Thanks for the nomination. :)

    xo Ashley

  13. Wow love the mile long legs.....those pants are really marv!!!


  14. Gorgeous! Love this outfit and those jeans are fab!!

    Sincerely Miss Ash

  15. Love this , so simple but it looks chic!

  16. You look amazing!! I love your jeans! =)

  17. I'm SO honored, you are such a beautiful and inspiring blogger. This means so much, thank you! We are so much like each other - as you know I have a beagle, and my husband and I are the crazy dog people!! If we didn't live in an apartment we would own like 4!! Also I am SO with you about food - it's one of my favorite favorite things! haha


  18. Yes, girl! I love a good wide legged jean! I need some good ripped ones for summer.

    Great post! And your blog rocks! Check mine out. Maybe we can follow each other :D
    Lattes & Lacee

  19. Aww, I can't believe you nominated me! I've always loved visiting your blog (even if I don't always comment, I check out each post, believe me). You've got amazing style and deserve the Versatile Award yourself!
    Loved reading the random tid bits about yourself - I'm excited to do this post now haha

    Trendy Teal

  20. I love stripes, how beautiful the sunlight makes these photos,

  21. Thank you so much for thinking of me, I'm so flattered!

    You look amazing in those jeans. Your legs look like they go on for miles! Gorgeous.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  22. pretty look and pics! and thanks for nominating me!

  23. girl, I work at anthro too - i know what you mean about not being able to resist! it's just so so hard! i tell myself "well i'm working hard i deserve a new cardi" or "i NEED this so i can wear it to work" ... it really is the funnest place to work though! :) love the pure and good tees - they're so perfect!


  24. What a lovely vintage look and ohmygosh (!!!), your legs look about a mile long! A lovely collection of photos! You look FABULOUS!

    I have a blogging challenge going on now at:

    ... and also a giveaway at:

    Take a look, if you like!

    : signe

  25. Gorgeous casual chic look! It's perfect and your legs look so long! Thank you so so much for the nomination - I am so flattered! x, Kat

    Love and Ace


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